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AC - Accounting
AI - Artificial Intelligence
BAM - Bachelor of Arts Management
BC - Business Core
BSC - Business Competency
BSM - Business Major
BUS - Business Administration
CJ - Criminal Justice
CO - Communications
COM - Communications (revised)
COUN - Counseling
CPC -Counselling Psychology - Canada
CS - Computer Science
CY - Cybersecurity
DA - Data Analytics
DBA -Doctor Business Administration
DIT - Doctor Information Technology
DS - Data Science
EAD - Education, Adult Education
EC - E Commerce
ECC - Education Core Canada
ECI - Curriculum and Instruction
ECU - Education Core (Graduate)
EDE - Education, Elementary
EDLD - Education Leadership
EDU - Education
EEA - Educational Administration
EGC - Professional School Counseling
ELL - English Language Learner
ELP - English Language Program
EMBA - Executive MBA
EML - Education Middle Level
ENG - English
ENT - Entrepreneurship
ERL - Reading and Literacy
ESL - English as a Second Language
ESP - Special Education
ETC - Teacher Certification
FIN - Finance
GS - General Studies
GSCM - Global Supply Chain Management
HL - Healthcare
HR - Human Resources
HST - History
HSVC - Human Services
HUM - Humanities
INT - International Studies
IS - Information Systems
ISEC - Information Security
IT - Information Technology
ITMGMT - IT Management
LDRD - Leadership
MAL - Management Leadership
MATH - Mathematics (MAT, MTH)
MBA - Master of Business Administration
MC - Master's Core
MG - Management
MK - Marketing
ML - Managerial Leadership
NAS - Natural Science
PLA - Prior Learning Assessment
PM - Project Management
PSY - Psychology
RESR - Research
SCI - Science
SOC - Sociology
EMBA - Executive MBA
SSC - Social Science
TCI - Technology - Curriculum and Instruction
TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
TM - Technology and Product Management
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2023-2024 Catalog
Course Descriptions
> CS - Computer Science
CS - Computer Science
CS 11A
Technology & Computing Components I
CS 11B
Technology & Computing Components II
CS 100
STC BS Orientation to Bachelor's Programs
CS 120
Fundamentals of Linux Operating Systems I
CS 131
Computer Science I - C++
CS 132
Computer Science I
CS 142
Web Programming - TypeScript/JavaScript
CS 151
Programming with Python
CS 160
Web Programming - Python
CS 180
Fundamentals of Networking
CS 201
Information Technologies for Managers
CS 214
Database Technologies - SQL & NoSQL
CS 223
Fundamentals of Linus Operating Systems II
CS 225
Introduction to Web Design
CS 242
Full Stack Web Development - TypeScript/JavaScript
CS 251
Statistical Computing (NS) *
CS 260
Full Stack Web Development - Python
CS 272
Full Stack Web Development -Frontend *
CS 274
Full Stack Web Development -Backend
CS 300
CS 302
Human Computer Interaction
CS 306
Information Management
CS 310
Introduction to Medical Organizations, Operations & Terminology *
CS 330
Network Communications *
CS 332
Switches, Routing and Protocols *
CS 340
Operating Systems *
CS 351
Discrete Mathematics in Computing (NS) *
CS 370
Computer Organization and Architecture *
CS 416
Database Management
CS 430
Health Information Systems *
CS 432
Advanced Health Information Systems *
CS 436
Network Applications Layer *
CS 438
Integrated Communications Networks
CS 440
Software Quality Assurance
CS 445
Software Process Management
CS 450A
Bachelor's Seminar I in Special Technology *
CS 450B
Bachelor's Seminar II in Special Technology *
CS 450C
Bachelor's Seminar III in Special Technology *
CS 451
Frontend Web Development
CS 452
Backend Web Development
CS 469
Data Structures and Algorithms in Computing
CS 475
Artificial Intelligence
CS 492
Network Management *
CS 493
Technology and Computing Internship *
CS 495
Capstone I - Project Initiation *
CS 496
Capstone II - Project Implementation and Validation *
CS 497
Technology and Computing Capstone *
CS 498
Comp Systems Undergraduate Internship
CS 500
STC MS Orientation to Master's Programs
CS 504
Software Engineering
CS 506
Programming for Computing
CS 519
Cloud Computing Overview
CS 531
Computational Biology
CS 533
Computer Architecture
CS 535
The Cloud Environment *
CS 545
Applied Parallel Programming *
CS 547
Secure Systems and Programs
CS 555
C++ for Programmers *
CS 570
Software Testing
CS 598
Computer Systems Graduate Internship *
CS 612
Data Exploration and Visualization
CS 615
Programming for Cloud Computing Environment *
CS 622
Discrete Math and Algorithms for Computing
CS 624
Full-Stack Development - Mobile App
CS 628
Full-Stack Development - Web Application
CS 650A
Master's Seminar I in Special Technology *
CS 650B
Master's Seminar II in Special Technology *
CS 650C
Master's Seminar III in Special Technology *
CS 651
Computer Systems Capstone - Define *
CS 652
Computer Systems Capstone - Process *
CS 653
Computer Systems Capstone - Analyze & Report *
CS 680
Computer Science Internship *
CS 687
Computer Science Capstone *