ENG 101 English Composition I (HU)

This course introduces students to the principles of college writing. Students develop skills in critical thinking and strategies for interpreting, responding to, and using texts as sources and evidence. Students are introduced to argumentative rhetorical patterns. They write critical responses to texts, identifying the author’s thesis, evaluating the author’s argument and presenting their own position on the topic. In addition, students write a researched argumentative essay that argues, counterargues, and refutes a position on a topic. Student writing demonstrates focus, organization, grammar, and appropriate APA style necessary for college writing. 




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. 1. Apply correct English grammar, writing strategies, and APA style to college writing.
  3. 2. Respond critically to texts by identifying an author’s thesis, evaluating their argument and establishing a position on a topic.
  4. 3. Demonstrate critical thinking skills to evaluate and summarize evidence from source materials.
  5. 4. Collaborate with peers to improve essays.