ERL 503 Leadership and Professional Development *

This course focuses on effective literacy leadership and professional development to support the advancement of student learning. Emphasis is placed on professional development, learning communities and lessons studies in literacy ranging K-12. Candidates develop essential knowledge and skills necessary to perform leadership responsibilities within their current school, district, and community.  




Admission to M.Ed Program


  1. This course will prepare learns to:
  2. Evidence current research supporting the success of informal and formal learning communities as guides for improving literacy instruction.
  3. Propose a plan/s to effectively implement and gauge the effectiveness of new teaching practices within a professional learning community.
  4. Self-reflect on ways to advocate and model current, effective instructional and intervention literacy strategies designed to improve student learning.
  5. Synthesize knowledge of collaborative and networked professional learning communities that support, refine, and extend literacy instructional skills.
  6. Evaluate ways technology delivers wide scale and personal professional learning opportunities.