MBA 541 Global Political Economy

In this course, students integrate their knowledge of business practices and management skills into a globally oriented view of the organization. Students devise strategies and plans for a global business by applying a range of concepts, methods, tools, and techniques to evaluate the external global environment, analyze an organization’s internal functions, analyze opportunities for future growth in global markets, and devise effective strategies and plans to ensure business success beyond local boundaries. Students consider diversity, equity, and inclusion as part of their application of strategy within global business contexts. Students engage with real-world cases and collaborate to create a research-informed plan for global expansion of an existing product or service.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. 1. Analyze business opportunities in varied foreign markets.
  3. 2. Construct an implementation plan for the expansion of products or services into a foreign market.
  4. 3. Devise market penetration strategies that support global company structures and include DEI considerations.
  5. 4. Evaluate best practices and strategies that enable global businesses or entrepreneurs to gain from significant market shocks and chaos.
  6. 5. Apply global business concepts, models, and frameworks and their cross-functional integration.