PSY 420 Health Psychology (SS)

This course examines the impact of individual behaviors and lifestyles on health. Students will explore the application of psychological principles to health in areas such as stress reduction, proper nutrition, safe behaviors, benefits of exercise, cardiovascular health, and the benefits of a balanced lifestyle. The relationship between mental and physical illness will be a guiding focus throughout the course.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Examine the process of aging and health.
  3. Explain healthcare's emerging and growing philosophical viewpoint in the use of complementary and alternative medicines and approaches and approaches.
  4. Demonstrate understanding of the etiology, prevention, and treatment of various diseases.
  5. Evaluate the relationship between emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and physical health.
  6. Construct a healthy lifestyle model.
  7. Compare and contrast psychosocial and biomedical models of health and disease.
  8. Explain the physiological reactions to stress.