EEA 536 School Finance and Operations

Students develop an understanding of how schools are financed and knowledge of best practices in the acquisition of resources, budgeting, accounting, and the fiscal stewardship of the school’s human and financial resources. Topics include the development of the budget priorities, formulation of the budget, the administration of budget expenditures, and administration of the school’s facilities and financial resources. Students become knowledgeable about the budgeting process and the school financial management responsibilities of the educational leader.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. 1. Examine the fiscal responsibility of educational institutions, including the student’s school and district, in creating a supportive environment for a successful and high-quality K-12 experience for all youth.
  3. 2. Examine the fiscal responsibility of educational institutions, including the student’s school and district, in developing sustainability goals.
  4. 3. Evaluate sound financial practices in developing budgets.
  5. 4. Evaluate the school system's practices in setting priorities for budget development within provincial/territorial and district regulations.
  6. 5. Evaluate staff, parent, and community involvement related to development of the school’s budget.