EEA 539 Supervision of Instruction
Students develop leadership skills in effective school improvement planning and instructional supervision processes. Students examine what exemplary school leaders do to create a vision for success, with a focus on teaching and learning, continuous shared decision-making processes, and a code of ethics that develops and sustains a climate of trust and the protection of the rights of all students, families, staff, and the communities. Students learn the value of relational leadership and the necessity to pay attention to cultural diversity. Students evaluate a school and/or school system improvement process and become familiar with research-based strategies for increasing student achievement, while also using data-informed backward-design curriculum processes, shared site-based decision-making, and pathways for promoting the achievement of all members of the learning community.
- This course will prepare students to:
- 1. Analyze social systems that have and continue to govern individual and communal life including cultural differences and diversity.
- 2. Evaluate school improvement planning processes.
- 3. Evaluate how leadership impacts student learning environments.
- 4. Formulate best practices in supervision of instruction.