
City University of Seattle is a not-for-profit corporation created under the laws of the State of Washington. It is governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of up to 19 members. The Board of Trustees has legal and fiduciary responsibility for the quality and integrity of the institution. The Board selects a Chief Executive Officer (President), approves and monitors the implementation of the mission of the institution, establishes institutional policies, approves all new academic programs, adopts the University budget, and exercises oversight to ensure compliance with policies. The Board delegates to the President the responsibility to implement and administer institutional policies as well as to carry out the mission of the institution. The President reports directly to the Board of Trustees.

City University of Seattle is a constituent University of the National University System, along with National University and JFK University, among others. The President is responsible for System collaboration, working with National University System Chancellor, and is evaluated by the Chancellor and the Board annually. The President works collaboratively with the Board and the University community to articulate a vision for the University, and to provide strategic leadership through defining institutional goals, establishing priorities, and developing strategic and operational plans. The President represents the University to the local and regional publics.

The Provost reports directly to the President. Duties include defining and maintaining academic quality and rigor in accordance with accreditation standards for domestic and international programs. The Provost is responsible for oversight of the quality and operations of all Academic Affairs. Reporting to the Provost are the Dean of Academic Affairs, the Deans of the Schools of Business & Management, Education & Leadership, Health & Social Sciences, and Technology & Computing, and the Chair of the Research Institute. Academic operational units reporting to the Provost include the Dr. Vi Tasler Library & Learning Resource Center, and the Center for Curriculum and Instruction. The VP and Associate Provost of Canadian Programs and Program Directors supervise experienced Administrative Faculty who in turn identify, recommend for appointment, and supervise more than 650 Teaching Faculty worldwide. Programs offered in Europe and Asia are supervised by appropriate Regional Deans or Directors who ensure academic quality and provide daily operational oversight.

The Chief Financial Officer/Vice President of Finance and Administration reports directly to the President. This position recommends appropriate annual operating budgets and ensures the efficient management of business affairs and the physical plant and property. Areas reporting to this position are the Business Office, Data Analytics, Facilities, and Information Technology.

City University of Seattle’s faculty are vital to the University’s educational mission. Faculty oversee curricula through participation in the university curriculum committee which reviews and recommends all new or revised courses. In addition, Faculty participate in an inclusive academic governance structure through representation on cross-departmental committees and councils. The Academic Affairs Council, chaired by the Provost, is the primary academic governance body for Academic Affairs. It reviews and recommends new programs, substantial program revisions, new partnerships, and academic policies. An Associate Faculty Advisory Board meets periodically with the Provost and President to discuss matters relevant to the Teaching Faculty. All Faculty are encouraged to participate in policy or governance discussions and decisions by providing written and/or oral input through administrative faculty, Deans, and the Provost.

City University of Seattle is a student-centered institution of higher education. Every effort is made to actively solicit student input into the University’s planning and decision-making. Student input is collected through regular surveys and evaluations of instruction and course quality. Professional Education Advisory Boards (PEAB’s) in the School of Education and Leadership and other academic program advisory committees, which provide industry feedback to the programs, include students in their membership. Students may at any time provide feedback and suggestions through their advisors, and suggestion boxes that are available at every site, online, or by taking advantage of an open-door policy of all faculty and administrators, including the Provost and the President.

(Policy #2100.11)