CJ 333 Planning and Policy Analysis (SS)

Interpreting and solving complex problems are everyday activities for decision makers, whether they are operating in international, regional, national, or local political environments. These decision makers rely on policy analysts to understand and reason through choices of action undertaken to remedy a wide array of governance failures or challenges. The content of this course examines the world of the policy analyst and the analytical techniques they rely upon to carry out their work. These are critical skills for those seeking to create or research the efficacy of justice policies.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Critically assess the efficacy of policies in light of evidence, theory, and empirical research.
  3. Determine their philosophical perspective on the proper role of government.
  4. Comprehend the role of the policy analyst.
  5. Explore the conceptual foundations of policy creation.
  6. Comprehend the process of negotiating and formulating policies and their success metrics.