ML 511 Communication and Influence

Individual and team success often relies on the ability of managers and leaders to communicate with others face-to-face and online. Interaction with others can determine how you are perceived and every interaction is an occasion to develop trust and grow positive influence. Whether communicating with one person or to an audience, communicating effectively is a powerful skill for achieving objectives. This course develops students’ ability to focus on their outcome, tune in to their audience and develop their message for clarity and impact. Student’s ability to create an environment for open discussion and ongoing dialogue is crucial for communication success. The communications skills covered in this course will increase students’ ability to exercise choice and control for every type of conversation, influence without authority and improve quality of relationships and productivity. 





  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Address an organizational dilemma by developing a win/win solution and presenting that to the stakeholders.
  3. Research, design, and deliver a persuasive presentation that influences the audience of the topic’s relevance while overcoming stakeholder resistance.
  4. Assess your own power bases and influence style and consider strategies for expanding them.
  5. Describe how communication networks, organization structure, and organizational culture influence interaction.