ML 521 Organizational Management and Strategy

Effective management is concerned with creating and maintaining a successful business operation. Managers must be strategic when handling change, determining business needs, and planning for organizational efficiency. This course will give students the practical skills managers need to align processes and procedures to accomplish the mission and vision of the organization.  Students will also develop and practice strategic thinking skills to help evaluate risks, maximize opportunities, and sustain competitive advantage over time. 





  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Analyze and interpret market research data and key performance indicators to develop a sales forecast to help re-brand a failed product launch.
  3. Create a program structure to achieve organizational change through the execution of projects across multiple organizational functions.
  4. Evaluate an organization you are familiar with to create a systemic analysis of the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  5. Utilize strategic thinking to analyze sustainable competitive strategies and make recommendations to decision-makers for improvements.