MBA 512 Self-Cultivation for Management

Self-cultivation or self-leadership is the practice of understanding self, identifying one’s desired experiences, and pursuing a process of influence to guide one’s behaviors, thoughts, and emotions toward personal and professional goals. This course is designed based on a simple yet revolutionary principle: “First learn to lead yourself, then you will be able to effectively lead others.” Students will learn about world-altering and behavior-focused strategies utilized to change one’s immediate physical world, guide and evolve behavior, and exercise self-control; strategies for tapping the power of natural rewards; techniques for redesigning one’s psychological world; and tools to lead self within team settings. A primary objective of this course involves challenging students to synthesize an array of self-cultivation strategies into a comprehensive self-leadership framework for effectively leading and guiding self and others.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Demonstrate self-awareness through the assessment of behaviors, thoughts, and emotions.
  3. Apply an integrative self-leadership model to real-world situations and cases.
  4. Cultivate personal influence and impact by creating and sharing a research-informed novel idea related to self-leadership.
  5. Synthesize an array of self-cultivation strategies into a comprehensive self-leadership framework for effectively leading and guiding self and others.