ETC 501 Human Growth And Development

This course provides teacher candidates the opportunity to build foundational knowledge about human development and developmental theories contextualized within a multicultural and racialized society.  Candidates will explore introductory concepts of major theories of identity development and their sociopolitical and historical contexts as they relate to education.  Candidates will spend time examining the various parts of their own personal and professional identities, examining implicit bias and personal experiences that have shaped their worldview, and exploration of their own positionality, power, privilege, and intersectional identities within a multicultural society.  Candidates will be asked to examine the various ways in which their positionality and intersectional identities may impact their presence with children and families in the K-12 classroom and their teaching pedagogy. This course includes components of state requirements for certification.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. Describe the major theories of human identity development across the lifespan and their sociopolitical and historical contexts as they relate to education.
  3. Analyze the ways in which personal identities intersect with power, privilege, and/or oppression.
  4. Evaluate personal positionality within a multicultural society and within the education system.
  5. Create a personalized plan for ongoing reflective practice as an educator in the classroom.