Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Science
The roles of criminal justice, civil justice, and regulatory compliance are changing rapidly. Shifting landscapes in the fields of law, technology, and crime have increased the necessity for organizational leadership to possess a well-rounded understanding of sociological, ethical, and legal perspectives. The Justice Administration program is a multi-disciplinary degree program that combines aspects of public and business administration with the narrative and practice of justice. This program provides students with a strong foundation of law and management practices directly applicable to either traditional public sector careers such as law enforcement, criminal investigations, juvenile justice, public policy or administrative roles; or private sector careers involving corporate investigations and risk mitigation-including cyber forensic investigations and regulatory compliance.
Program Outcomes
The Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice will prepare students to:
1. Demonstrate the ability to develop and express ideas, while applying a variety of delivery models, genres, and styles.
2. Apply core principles of crime theory and contemporary analysis in developing, implementing and evaluating criminal justice policy.
3. Demonstrate the ability to explore/analyze issues, ideas, artifacts, and events to inform well-developed opinions and conclusions.
4. Demonstrate the ability to understand the complexity of various cultures and work constructively with people of diverse ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, religious beliefs, and socio-economic status.
5. Demonstrate the ability to reason in an ethical manner and to reflect core beliefs and core competencies in authentic contexts.
6. Apply core principles of public administration in the context of criminal justice.
7. Demonstrate the ability to reason and solve problems in authentic contexts through the analysis and use of data.
Admission Requirements
Effective Summer 2023 this program is no longer accepting new students.
Total Required Credits (180 Credits)
Lower – Division Requirements (90 Credits)
Students must meet General Education requirements. This is typically completed within the 90 required lower division credits. See the General Education Requirements section of this catalog for more detailed information.
For this program, Quantitative/Symbolic Reasoning is met through the course MATH 107 Mathematical Reasoning and its Applications or higher.
General Education Requirements
Total Credits
College Composition (CC) I** & II
10 Credits
Quantitative/Symbolic Reasoning (QSR)
5 Credits
Humanities (HU)
10 Credits
Social Sciences (SS)
15 Credits
Natural Sciences (NS)
15 Credits
**If College Composition I is waived through transfer or articulation, students must take an additional 5 quarter credits from a humanities discipline.
Preparatory Courses (15 Credits)
These preparatory courses may be applied towards CityU's General Education and Lower Division credit requirements.
CJ 211 | Criminal Investigation (NS or SS) | 5 |
HUM 210 | Justice and Ethics (HU or SS) | 5 |
PSY 240 | Critical Thinking and Writing Skills in Social Sciences (HU) * | 5 |
Criminal Justice Core (50 Credits)
CJ 318 | Fundamentals of Criminology (HU or SS) | 5 |
CJ 330 | Management and Leadership (HU or SS) | 5 |
CJ 333 | Planning and Policy Analysis (SS) | 5 |
CJ 341 | Contemporary Justice Administration Issues | 5 |
CJ 350 | Globalization and Crime (HU or SS) | 5 |
CJ 361 | Cyber and Surveillance Law and Government (SS or HU) | 5 |
CJ 365 | Applied Criminology and Crime Prevention (SS) | 5 |
CJ 403 | Enterprise Risk Management | 5 |
CJ 410 | Risk Assessment and Prevention (NS or SS) | 5 |
COM 461 | Communicating Crisis, Emergency and Social Change (HU or SS) | 5 |
Upper Division Electives (25 Credits)
Emphasis Area
Specialized Study Emphasis (25 Credits)
Required for all Emphasis areas.
Capstone (5 Credits)