COUN 770 Methods and Analysis of Quantitative Research

This course focuses on quantitative research using descriptive and inferential statistical methods across the counseling practice, counselor education and clinical supervision disciplines. Students will develop a conceptual understanding and practical application, in a pluralistic and evolving society, of quantitative research data gathering, analysis, and interpretation. Students will also explore essential computer applications, logistical issues of data collection, as well as ethical considerations and implications for research. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to produce a quantitative project draft that would include quantitative research application, analysis, and interpretation of data information.

Methods of instruction primarily feature in-class learning with some asynchronous online activities.




  1. This course will prepare students to:
  2. a) Examine and apply the purposes and research methods of a quantitative study, including appropriate testable hypotheses, analysis, methodology, and data collection methods in a pluralistic and evolving society.
  3. b) Perform statistical analysis including descriptive statistics, parametric, and non-parametric formulas.
  4. c) Interpret results of hypothesis testing based on quantitative data analysis.
  5. d) Identify uses, limitations, and ethical applications of quantitative research.